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Anemometers are essential tools for anyone in need of accurate wind or gas current speed measurements. Certified Material Testing Products offers a range of datalogging anemometers that not only record data points during field use but also provide additional features for comprehensive analysis. With the Sper Scientific anemometers, users can not only track wind speeds but also monitor the date, time, and even temperature in some models.

One of the key advantages of these anemometers is their ability to automatically record thousands of data points while in use. This feature ensures that users have access to a wealth of information for comprehensive analysis and decision-making. Additionally, the datalogging capabilities make it easier than ever to analyze and interpret the collected data. By simply connecting the anemometer to a computer via its RS232 port, users can instantly view and process the results.

Certified Material Testing Products offers a wide selection of anemometers to cater to various needs and applications. The Sper 840034 Psychrometer/Anemometer, for example, combines wind and temperature measurements, making it ideal for HVAC technicians and weather enthusiasts. Alternatively, the Sper 850071 Environmental Quality SD Card Logger is designed for tracking environmental conditions and can store data on an SD card for easy transfer and analysis.

For those requiring advanced functionality, the Sper 850027 Mini Environmental Advanced Meter provides 12 parameters, allowing users to monitor and record a wide range of environmental data. Moreover, the Sper 850020 Bluetooth Anemometer offers the convenience of wireless connectivity, enabling seamless integration with smartphones and other devices.

In addition to the diverse range of anemometers, Certified Material Testing Products also provides accessories such as replacement vanes, temperature probes, and NIST certificates of calibration to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Whether you are a professional in the HVAC industry, a researcher in the field of meteorology, or simply a weather enthusiast, choosing the right anemometer is crucial for obtaining accurate wind or gas current speed measurements. Explore the range of datalogging anemometers from Certified Material Testing Products today and make sure you have the right tool for the job.