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Concrete Curing

Concrete Curing Boxes

Certified MTP offers a wide range of concrete curing boxes, racks, and other storage containers to help you with the concrete curing process. Our concrete curing boxes are made to protect concrete specimens before curing in a number of scenarios. The Deluxe Thermocure Concrete Curing Box features a recirculating temperature control for applications that use higher temperatures. The Economy Thermocure Concrete Curing Box is very portable and perfect for field work. Our popular Concrete Curing Box is an economical way to test your concrete molds in almost any environment.

Concrete Curing Tanks

No matter what your project, our range of concrete curing tanks are built in a variety of sizes to fit your needs. From our 40 Gallon Plastic Concrete Curing Tank to our 300 Gallon Galvanized Metal Curing Tank, we are sure to have the curing tank to help you produce quality molded concrete specimens including cylinders, beams, and more. Sustain the flow of your concrete mixture in these tanks with our Curing Tank Circulator Pump. You can also maintain the temperature of your concrete with our Curing Tank Heater.

Concrete Curing Methods

There are a few effective methods of curing concrete. To reach the ideal texture, you should make sure the concrete curing time lasts for a sufficient period. Accurate curing time for concrete will allow you to achieve the desired properties. Below are some of the most reliable curing of concrete methods:

- Water curing – used for thinner concrete and to avoid drying. The two most common methods are ponding concrete and utilizing sprinklers to even out the water.

- Hot mixing – increasing the concrete temperature adds strength. The process includes raising the aggregate temperature, heating water and inputting steam into the mix of concrete.

- Sheet curing – leveraging plastic sheets and polythene sheets helps cover columns and concrete slabs.

- Formwork curing – formwork is an excellent curing agent for construction because it helps with thicker concretes. It is most effective when hydration temperature is increasing.

Other concrete curing methods include wet covering, membrane curing, infrared curing, electrical curing, natural curing, and covering with sawdust, sand or soil. For any method, the proper concrete curing testing equipment is essential.

The Purpose of Concrete Curing

Curing serves as a crucial component to add durability and strength to concrete. After the concrete is placed and finished, curing helps maintain the optimal temperature and moisture conditions. The best-cured concrete has ample moisture and hydration to retain its volume, strength and resistance to thawing and freezing. Optimal-cured concrete also protects against scaling and abrasion. All of these are necessary for paving and other concrete applications. 

FAQs About Curing Concrete

The following are some common questions about curing concrete, along with the various types of concrete curing equipment used in the process.

What Does "Curing Concrete" Mean?

Curing concrete is one of the most vital steps in the construction of concrete. Concrete hardens because of hydration and the chemical reaction of water and cement. However, hydration only happens when there are ideal temperatures and water levels available.

Curing concrete means keeping the surface moist and within the temperature range. This can involve soaking the concrete with hoses or sprinklers — or coating with concrete curing compounds. All these methods seal in the much-needed moisture when performed with the proper concrete curing equipment. 

What are the Best Mix Proportions for Optimal Concrete?

You can achieve quality concrete curing compound results by using a wide range of mix proportions. It is best to view the processes through the "rule of six":

- For each cubic yard of concrete, use six bags (minimum content of cement)
- Use six gallons of maximum water content for each cement bag
- Curing periods should be at least six days
- Keep air content at 6% if the concrete could thaw or freeze

Is it Better to Use a Concrete Curing Tank or Room?

The ideal concrete curing room design will offer many applications involving quality environmental controls and concrete curing equipment tools.

It starts with deciding on whether you want to use concrete curing tanks or moisture rooms. Concrete curing tanks and moisture rooms are both effective methods for ideal concrete curing, so it may come down to preference and space.

The concrete curing tank is split evenly and offers a reliable solution. It also requires little maintenance because you only need to refill and clean it every two years. Besides a moisture room or curing tank, you could also use a Concrete Curing Box (165qt. Heat/AC), steam curing box, concrete curing cabinet or concrete curing chamber. There are definitely advantages to using concrete curing boxes, especially as an affordable way to keep your specimens safe. When buying a concrete curing box, specifications must meet the needs of your operation.

On the other hand, the moisture room creates an excellent curing system for more massive specimens and larger quantities. It is simple to organize your specimens by type and age too. For all of the concrete curing equipment you need, count on Certified MTP.

View full line of Concrete Test Cylinders and Concrete Curing Equipment, concrete curing equipmentFresh Concrete Testing supplies, Unbonded Cylinder Capping, and view the popular Concrete Curing Box (165qt. Heat/AC) or the Concrete Curing Box (165qt. Heat Only) and the Mini Concrete Curing Box (75qt. Heat Only).

Accessories to Concrete Curing Box:

Concrete Transport Cylinder Racks store and protect multiple specimens during transport 

Curing Tank Circulator improves tank circulation and the curing process.

Curing Tank Heater creates consistent curing temperatures for concrete

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