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Current Interrupters

Current Interrupters are devices that are designed to interrupt or break the flow of electric current in a controlled manner. These devices are crucial in various industries and applications where effective current interruption is necessary for safety and operational purposes.

The Current Interrupters category offers a range of products specifically designed to interrupt the flow of electric current. These products are manufactured by reputable brands such as M.C. Miller and Vestil, ensuring reliability and durability.

One of the products available in this category is the M.C. Miller 12840 TH100A Current Interrupter. With its advanced technology and high-quality construction, this current interrupter is capable of interrupting current flow efficiently and effectively. It is portable and easy to use, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Another product in this category is the M.C. Miller SUB577 Current Interrupter Dual 100 amp Power Cable. Designed to handle high-current applications, this dual power cable allows for simultaneous interruption of two separate circuits. It provides enhanced flexibility and versatility, making it a preferred choice for industries with complex electrical systems.

The M.C. Miller 12845 Current Interrupter Sync Cable Assembly is also part of this category. This assembly is specifically designed to synchronize multiple current interrupters, enabling simultaneous current interruption across different circuits. It enhances coordination and efficiency in interrupting electric currents in various industrial settings.

For those requiring a current interrupter integrated with GPS technology, the M.C. Miller 12975 JPL100 GPS Current Interrupter is an excellent choice. This device offers precise control over current interruption, taking advantage of GPS technology for accurate positioning and timing. It ensures uninterrupted operations while maintaining safety protocols in industries where precise timing is critical.

Additionally, the Vestil ECR-45-D Dbl. Receptacle Electric Cord Reel is a practical solution for organizing and managing multiple power cords. It features a double receptacle design, providing convenient power access for various devices while keeping cords neat and tangle-free. This electric cord reel offers enhanced safety and efficiency in industrial environments.

In conclusion, the Current Interrupters category includes a range of products designed to interrupt electric current flow in a controlled manner. These products are essential for maintaining safety, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring precise coordination in various industrial applications. The category offers reliable and durable solutions from reputable brands, meeting the diverse requirements of customers across different industries.
