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Floats and Darbies

Floats and darbies are essential tools in flatwork for construction projects, and are used to level and smooth concrete surfaces. Floats are typically made of wood, magnesium, or aluminum, and come in various shapes and sizes. They are used to spread and level the concrete while removing excess water and air pockets. Darbies, on the other hand, are longer and flatter than floats and are used to level the concrete by removing high spots and filling in low areas.

Floats and darbies are typically used in conjunction with each other to create a smooth and level concrete surface. After the concrete has been poured and spread, the float is used to level the surface and remove excess water. This is done by holding the float at a slight angle and moving it in a circular motion across the surface of the concrete. The float also helps to consolidate the concrete and remove any air pockets that may be present.

Once the concrete has been leveled with the float, the darby is used to further level and smooth the surface. This is done by dragging the darby across the surface of the concrete in a back-and-forth motion. The darby removes high spots and fills in low areas to create a level surface.

In addition to their primary use in leveling and smoothing concrete surfaces, floats and darbies can also be used to create decorative patterns and textures in the concrete. By using different types of floats and darbies, contractors can create a variety of textures and finishes on the surface of the concrete.

Overall, floats and darbies are essential tools in flatwork for construction projects, and play a critical role in ensuring that the concrete surface is level, smooth, and free of defects.
