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Ironworking is an important aspect of the construction industry that involves the fabrication, installation, and maintenance of steel structures used in buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. Ironworkers play a crucial role in the construction process, working alongside engineers, architects, and other construction professionals to ensure that steel structures are fabricated and installed correctly.

In the context of concrete construction, ironworkers play an important role in reinforcing concrete structures with steel rebar. Rebar is used to provide tensile strength to the concrete, which is necessary to withstand the forces and stresses of the building or infrastructure. Ironworkers use specialized tools and equipment, such as rebar cutters, benders, and tying tools, to cut, shape, and install the rebar in the concrete forms before the concrete is poured.

The process of ironworking for concrete construction involves several steps, including measuring and cutting the rebar to the required length, bending the rebar into the desired shape, and tying the rebar together using wire ties or mechanical fasteners. The rebar is then placed in the concrete forms according to the design specifications and secured in place using support chairs or spacers.

Once the concrete is poured and cured, the rebar provides additional strength and durability to the concrete structure. Ironworkers may also be involved in the installation of other steel structures such as steel beams, columns, and decking, which are used in the construction of buildings and infrastructure.

In conclusion, ironworking is an important aspect of the construction industry, and in the context of concrete construction, it involves the fabrication, installation, and maintenance of steel rebar in concrete structures. Ironworkers play a crucial role in ensuring that concrete structures are reinforced with steel rebar to provide the necessary strength and durability to withstand the stresses and forces of the building or infrastructure.
